Prepare for Ramadan

The Musk Club at the Applied College in Khamis Mushait is pleased to invite you to attend the “Prepare for Ramadan” program on Sunday, 8/…

Students’ role in achieving quality in teaching

College of Arts & Science in Khamis Mushait invites you to attend a course entitled (Students’ role in…

An hour of competition
The Misk Club at the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushayt, in…
Creative Text Analysis
The Misk Club at the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushayt, in cooperation with the Community Service…
World Mental Health Day

The Misk Club at the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushayt, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student…

International Day of Sign Languages

The Misk Club at the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushayt, in cooperation with the Deanship of Student…

Research Scholarships & Funding by RDIA

Science and Technology unit in University’s Vice agency for Graduate Studies, is pleased to invite faculty members to apply on research…