Head Of The Department

Hello to the Department of English at King Khalid University. That department, which are racing footsteps rapidly toward achieving the vision of a community bright provide rich to teach English and give enrolled in an environment with background knowledge wealthy enable them to create bridges of knowledge to communicate with people speaking this language as it is a universal language occupies a high scientific prestige accorded primacy over the rest of the languages ​​and made them the most commonly used language in the world.

We are here specifically in the Department of English, which fall under the umbrella of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences for Girls departments in Khamis Mushayt adopt an ambitious vision aims to achieve excellence in graduating qualified nationals with linguistic and research high efficiency measure up to society and be able to compete in the pursuit of the labor market. Towards this goal, the department took it upon himself the task of rehabilitation of students majoring in English literature and linguistics paths and translation in the context of the educational process is subject to continuous development including meet international quality and academic accreditation standards.

Taking The department offers bachelor's degrees in English, it raises an academic program includes a variety from cover to cover a range of subjects in translation and literature and Applied Linguistics according to a comprehensive study plan aims to provide students a solid scientific flooring in all areas of the English language. The section includes a group of faculty members from different nationalities with expertise in the field of teaching all of them are trying to devote their efforts and expertise to provide a variety of cultural learning experience that meets the needs of students.

Head of The Department

MS. Afnan Al-Asmari 

Communication channels
0172415802 afnaan@kku.edu.sa