Translation is the organizing thread that connects communities, and the bridge that connects and brings divergent peoples together. In this regard, translation in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has witnessed a remarkable boom in the last few years in the field of translation. But these efforts must have a forum where translators from all over the country meet, present their achievements, discuss the problems of translation, share their experiences and so the generation of young translators and translation students may benefit from the journey of their predecessors. Keeping that in mind, the College of Science and Arts in Khamis Mushayt in coopation with the Faculty of Languages and Translation initiated a translation forum entitled: "Translation: The Communication of Cultures".
1. To highlight the importance of translation and its role in the development according to the Vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2030).
2. To highlight the major problems and challenges in the field of translation.
3. To enrich the discussion on how to support translation and translators in Saudi Arabia.
4. To suggest some strategies and solutions that will promote translation.
5. To shed the light the importance of using modern technology in translation.
6. To provide an opportunity to share experiences about individual and institutional achievements in the field of translation.