The First Academic Forum

Themes of the Forum
Recent trends in the development of curricula in the specialties of English Language, Computer Science and Information System.
Recent strategies in teaching English Language, Computer Science and Information systems. 
Challenges of teaching English Language, Computer Science and Information systems and proposed solutions.
Successful experience of faculty members in the  specialties in English language, Computer Science and Information systems.
Modern academic researches in the areas of English language, Computer Science and Information systems.
Manuscript Preparation
•Abstract should be written in English on one page.
•Abstract and CV of authors should be sent in Word Format
•The authors should follow the recognized methods of writing academic papers.
•The authors are requested to submit their research papers in MS Word single column double space Times New Roman format with a font size of 12 point.
•The First page should contain title of the paper, the dimension it tackles, name and affiliation of the researchers Papers should be on not more than 30 pages
•The paper should not exceeds 30 pages
•Papers are to be sent to e.mail of the forum